Jan 28, 2018

Long Shot

15 Months ago I took up target shooting with the ambition of going long range with rounds I made myself. I spent this time building up experience and experimenting with dozens of different combinations of bullet components and rifle set up and shooting practice. After becoming fairly confident at 300m out at the range Robyn and I went to see Francie and Rob on their farm for a catch up but also to try a 500m shot or three. (Thanks for a great morning you two by the way)
Thanks to Francie for taking the pics.
The target site looking back to the firing position (white arrow)
 The team (plus photographer) plus the targets. We had two 1 1/2 litre cokes, Puff the inflatable and a target board with five targets attached each 8 inches or 200mm in diameter.
 Back across to the set up.
 So much gear!
 Ruger Precision Rifle (6.5 Creedmoor) with NightForce scope
 Result. Three shots on the centre 8in target with one in the bull.
 Everything else destroyed. (I recall one maybe two misses)
I was lucky with the wind and the great place to do the job.
Good team effort. 1km now the new objective.

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