Jan 30, 2019

Navios Summer

We see these container ships sliding out of the Tauranga harbour for places unknown. This vessel departed on the 24th of Jan and I just checked her position now and she is near Thursday Island at the very tip of northeastern Australia 
Not bad for 6 days travel.

Jan 28, 2019

Jan 27, 2019


My next company car...
Spotted 10 years ago at the world of wearable art in Nelson (WOW)

Jan 24, 2019


We took a quick trip which included a stop in Whanganui. Frankly, I was not expecting much as it has a reputation for being a big crime town. Checking on the internet confirmed that with 7000  burglaries reported in the last 10 years surveyed. Info
Anway we spent a few really rewarding hours there and looked around town and the residential areas. As well we checked out the industrial area. I want to go back and see more especially to check out some of the outdoor attractions.
Some of the old homes there are lovely and I suspect expensive in today's market. 
I took the pics below with my phone as we walked through the main street.
 Art decor frontages is a feature in town. You can feel some history here.

Even the alleyways have been tidied up
 Center of town
 This cracked us up. A deserted industrial building.
 After a day in the car, Rob relaxes in this monster chair and now wants one!

Jan 22, 2019

Best Laid Plans

Holiday report.
I started my holiday early in Jan 2019.
I had plans for Rob and me to do lots of walks (with photography along the way) and other stuff and for me to get to the range for some target shooting other fun stuff.
On day one I broke my little toe. Not at all funny and it's still a big pain in the butt or should I say boot? This put paid to most of my/our plans. On top of this, I had to get some very expensive glasses made following on from my cataract surgery that I never banked on and to top off the this and as a result of some nasty and personal 'issues' that cropped up I now need to have a colonoscopy on the 30th!
I am only writing this for the record thinking it may be a laugh sometime in the future about the summer holiday of 2019....

Ok so not as to waste time sitting crying in the corner I hit the painting and DIY projects around the home and was really pleased with the progress.
I also attacked a few books (see below) and we did a road trip to Whanganui and New Plymouth on the windiest and wettest days of the month! God has not been smiling on us this year.

But hey, the sun has been shining in Tauranga and it has been great having a break away from the normal work week. So sad story aside this has been a great summer and I have enjoyed the company of my family and grandkids along the way.
The books I read have been very inspirational and entertaining so I thought I would share the titles.

Inspirational and a kick in the butt for management types and leaders at all levels in business.
This book is a major hit in the USA with various corporates and was recommended to me by a friend in the States. I gave copies to my management team.
 A bit wiered but different. (Fiction)
 Same as above. A good read.
 Still in the process of reading but very promising so far.
 Some very funny parts in this and an insight into our military forces work around the world.

Jan 9, 2019

Nearly There

15th Nov '18
 1st Jan '19
Looking great and needed.

6AM 7th January 2019

So beautiful at the Mount this time of the morning 

Dog House

A well-known house at the base of Mt Dury in Mt Maunganui. (Gareth Morgan's home)
The outback view.
Not sure if I love this house or hate it!
It is definitely a statement.
Out front is similar except for this blue dog man.
Not sure the reason but, dog-headed men are not unusual in mythology Info
So this may have come from the owner's many travels or, seeing Mr Morgan is an anti-cat man, could it be to scare the living $hit out of the local moggies? Either way, it's a very cool idea.
 He is a little excited about his view....

Jan 3, 2019


 Fergy Park Family Night
 Good turn out
 You never know who you will run into.
These two guys were our neighbours years ago. So great to have a catch up.
 Later the fireworks
Outside our place watching it all happen

 Lewi showing us his skills
 And strength
 Then crash with Pop for a bottle
 And on the water slide
 And taking a dive into dinner!
 Jay hamming it up