Apr 29, 2017


Locals know this town is growing like crazy.
Out at Tauriko (The lakes Area) another large block of land is being readied for building.
Lets see what another photo from this same spot looks like in 6 months time.
 Coming back home from meetings in Wellington I could not resist pulling out the phone to catch the Mount (Mauao) and the ship departing through the harbour entrance.
This is where Robyn and I do most of our exercise these days. Its a hard climb, always!
 Nose down for landing.

Apr 25, 2017

Jay, 2 Years Young

Just a small family party.
Jay was a really good boy and never lost the plot with all the presents and heaps of food and goodies to hand.
 The big blow out.
 Nice food on a great day. All hands helping. Hold it, not all hands....
 Click on the image for a larger view

 Passing his best car toys to Granddad 
 Loved his blackboard present
 The boys put together the little tramp Jay was lucky to get.
Not easy, in fact bloody challenging...
 The end result
Birthday boy
 With mum
 Jays guests and fans

Apr 20, 2017

The Challenge

On the park.
Something to challenge your balance. Who can resist?

Apr 17, 2017

Easter 2017

After surviving the storms the week leading up to Easter it was great to see the kids and have some fun.
Dark clouds build up on the Waikato side of the Kaimai mid week.
 After 30 years of withstanding high westerly winds the storm took our only tree out.
We were evacuated at the time due to our low lying situation on the harbours edge.
Robyn got a hell of a shock when a large policeman arrived at the door all in fluro and told her we should grab our important documents and leave.

The annual easter egg hunt. This year I hid 10 numbers around the park that the kids had to find.
Posts and seats was the only clue.
This is G finding one of the numbers.
Looking, mostly at the camera...

 Later, Thomas.
 Egging out
 Already sugared up
 T as well.
Earlier in the day, Jay with his tiger face on.

Apr 9, 2017

More Jay

Yes, this is just what I need.....
Sugar rush kicked in later with some anti social activities....
 Loading up at the lake.
 Yes, I got it in the left eye and was then relentlessly attacked over the next hour.
 Jays's little sister. Well it could be...

Apr 3, 2017

Apr 2, 2017

Home On The Range

Frustrating. Turned up bright and early. Fogged out.
Could not see past the 50m. Waited an hour and packed up.
 Looking back from the 100m to the shooting point.
 Next morning. All clear.
Two shots within 1 inch of each other and on the 1 inch bull at 300 meters.
Feels good when it comes together. But like golf you immediately start thinking about how it will go next time around and asking your self was that a fluke or?