Jul 29, 2018

Watch This Space

So much happening with construction down town Tauranga. This is one of the large cranes being disassembled by another crane on completion of the heaving lifting stage at the university building in Durham street.
Close up. This sort of thing only happens when people get stuck in at the coal face.
Just a big hole in Harrington Street right now but check this out

 Meanwhile down on the waterfront its simply peaceful. Well today at 8am at least.

Jul 26, 2018

Time For A Break

As a bloke on holiday I find that its very tempting to drop into that Irish pub you can see across the road while you while away the time waiting for your wife to come out of another shop.
When you make the big decision this is what you usually find almost at any time except at nights and weekends.
Almost totally devoid of life and lots of generic clutter!
 But who cares...

Jul 19, 2018

Stone Store Kerikeri

In the Bay of Island recently.
Had to drop into Kerikeri and see some of the well known places.
The Stone Store had to be on the list.

 Guess who's shopping?
Not exactly their first customer but a big spender.
We came home with an cast iron school bell (very useful) and several bits and pieces that are equally useless but that's what you do in these cool places 

Jul 16, 2018

From The Old Album

Circa Late 60's
I put this up a long time back. But I remember the guys names now.
Left to Right
Eric B, Porky D, Peter G, Mark S and Mike O (me)
Taken on the front lawn of Eric's house up at Merivale.
Great days, old cars, no money, good mates. and looking for the next party.

Jul 11, 2018

Jul 10, 2018

We Won't Forget This

 I can't drag myself away from this. Day and night I keep tuning in for updates.
There is a big sorry to unfold over the coming weeks. Hopefully they all get out.
8 kids out so far.
Having spend many hundreds of hours underwater including some cave diving I think I can relate to the challenges faced by the people in the rescue teams but I can't relate at all to what those boys and their coach must have and are experiencing. 
I mean what was going on in their minds over many days before the first divers found them?

Jul 9, 2018

Glider 2

Jay earns a congratulations cert for attending swimming lessons all season.
Good job Jay. Mum and Dad probably deserve one as well as Glider support.

Jul 8, 2018

Sunday Roast

A bunch of the family met up at the McLaren Falls cafe and had a nice breakfast and a catch up.
Very cool. Thanks to the Waikato team for coming all this way.
Me added plus a reshuffle 
The pre shot rabble!
 Alice, Izzy, David
Francie and Rob