Jun 11, 2011

Coronary Artery Disease. Research Update

Check out this LINK and read the article. But invest another 60 minutes and watch the video from Dr Steven Nissen and his lecture (see Watch The Lecture within the article) about plaque, statins, LDL, HDL,  and research findings that will be released soon. Also there is discussion in the video about a discovery in Italy where two scientists have discovered a number of people in a village that carry a mutated gene which makes a powerful form of HDL in their bodies. (The gene is called ApoA-1 Milano). People with this gene do not have CAD regardless of their LDL levels. This is thought to be a very significant finding and work is underway to make this "super HDL synthetically"
One encouraging finding is that this confirms our direction to lower LDL to very low numbers (2 to halt CAD and 1.5 to regress) and in my case I am doing this with a combination of diet (whole foods/plant based no oils) and  low dose of Statin (Atorvastatin or Lipitor).
My plan is to get to 1.5 (now at 2) and if I have to increase statins to do it this video has convinced me that's what I need to do. Hopefully however I can do it on the diet plus low dose statin as side effects are a concern.

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