Nov 7, 2010

Graham Whitt and me. (The Italian connection resolved)

At last it was great to meet Graham and his wife Carol. They made a visit to New Zealand (From their home in Victoria Australia) and came especially to Tauranga to catch up. Last year I realised that someone was looking into the Italian side of my mothers family (Antonio Wett and family). After some very interesting tracking down I found Graham and made contact. He and Carol have done amazing work in uncovering this history. It has taken them many many hours of work and involved travel to England, Italy and New Zealand. He has willingly shared all this with me. (most info has been logged on this blog). So as a family Graham our special thanks. I will update our clan on the latest events.
While it is true we are related, Graham and now me, believe its not as we first thought.
Graham is a direct decedent of Antonio Wett (Whitt....get it?) while it looks like I (and family) are related to Antonio's wife Felistea Wett (nee Durham, nee Frost). Filistea had a daughter when she married Antonio. Her name was Lydia Durham.
 Lydia herself is thought to have had a daughter (Agnes Leohnora my grandmother). Don't worry this family has a one hell of a complex relationship trail which I won't expand on right now. But the long and the short of this story is that while Agnes Leohnora was brought up by Antonio and Felistea my blood line goes back to Lydia Durham (English)

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